Welcome to our official website!

Welcome to the Federal Republic of Los Bay Petrosian official website!

This is our second official website after previously we had our official website at adriansyahyassin.blogspot.com, which now became the LBPNews Network official website.


Selamat datang di website resmi Republik Federal Los Bay Petros!

Ini adalah website resmi kami kedua setelah sebelumnya kita memiliki website resmi kami di adriansyahyassin.blogspot.comyang kini menjadi situs resmi Jaringan berita LBP.


Добро пожаловать в Федеративной Республике Лос-Бэй  Петрос официальном сайте!

Это наш второй официальный сайт после ранее у нас был официальный сайт adriansyahyassin.blogspot.com, который теперь стал официальным LBPNews сайт сети.



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Visitors notice

04/03/2011 10:06
Since this is our official website for information about LBP,  The Los Bay Petrosian news are in the adriansyahyassin.blogspot.com, Thank you.  

Website launched

04/03/2011 10:05
Our new website has been launched today. Tell your visitors why you have started a new presentation and how it benefits them. Mention your goals and project advantages. Try to briefly give your visitors reasons why they should return to your pages.

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